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GCS Financial & CASA(Credito Accesible S.A)

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GCS Financial & CASA(Credito Accesible S.A) Reviews

FKC's Clients (FLORA etc) December 15, 2009
We question Tho and CASA of irresponsible GCS Financial in public!
Do you know that we have spent several ten times of our fortune more
than what you said you had spent? Do you know that we have lost
our company confidence which is much more important than money
since you sent us just a mail rather than official letters even for the
100 million dollar funding, which is selfish act?
Our company is not a small shop which you can get through
everything with a mail.
Besides, how dare you could send us an e-mail without business ethic
that you have to work for other client first rather than us who have
been waiting for more than 2 years.
Are you treating Korean lightly?
I don't think even your real estate agent will not act like that at all.
Are you a serious business man or just a man without sense of
responsibility nor conscience?

I repeat again that our company FKC was established with our own
capital by your request. So it is absolutely out of sense that you sent
us such a reply saying "we are over" when we sent you an complaint
letter and you did whatever you want to because you are in the side of
providing fund.

You are making a big mistake if you think this situation will ended up
in Korea just like the fraudulent funding in Korea in 2007.
We do not have much patience now and hereby officially request you
to answer to following questions;

1. When are you going to complete this FKC funding which has been
dragged on for more than 2 years and to send the money to us?
2. How are you going to execute the fund? You will do in accordance
with the project you sent to us?
3. How are you going to compensate us for the financial and mental
damages caused by continuous postponement of promised closing
date from the second half of 2007 to February 2008 and then
September 2008, again to December 2009.
4. When and how are you going to reimburse the money which we
gave you and you promised to refund after the funding closing
around the end of November to early December 2008.
Will it be the principal amount only?
And why you don't remit the fund you promised?
5. What will you do with the money we sent to your client, Mr. Hong
and your agent, Manhattan financial and Europam capital for FKC
funding since 2006?
6. We will make legal action against all the financial and mental
damages caused by postponement of FKC funding, whether we get
compensated or not. What is your opinion on that?
7. Would you come to Korea to make an open discussion
regarding this matter?
8. If you don't want to come to Korea, could you make an open
discussion on any portal site in your country?

We are looking for your sincere reply to our questions.
This time we are asking you publicly through one site but if you
continue insincere reaction as you have been doing,
we will open up all these to everywhere such as the relevant
authorities and appeal and accuse this injustice.

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