"Consumer Reviews on Companies, Products and Services"


IT-uran menestyskoodi
ituranmenood February 24, 2024
"IT-Uran Menestyskoodi" read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: Finland
IT Career Success Code
careersuccesscod February 23, 2024
The "IT Career Success Code" coaching program is designed to propel beginner IT professionals into a successful read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: Finland
Mike One Dollar -valmennus
mikeonedollar February 23, 2024
An individual coaching service lead by a dedicated personal coach committed to multiplying your chances of read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: Finland
USA Official United States Government Immigration Visa Application Online FINLAND CITIZENS -ESTA
raubali20 July 5, 2023
USA:n ESTA on pakollinen vaatimus viisumivapaille vierailijoille, ja sitä sovelletaan tiettyihin kansallisuuksiin. Tukikelpoiset matkustajat voivat rekisteröityä verkossa ESTA-järjestelmän (Electronic System for Travel Authorization) kautta matkoilleen Yhdysvaltoihin matkailu-, kauttakulku- ja liiketoimintatarkoituksiin. ESTA-lupa on voimassa 2 vuotta myöntämispäivästä ja sallii useita maahantuloja, enintään 90 päivää kerrallaan. ESTA-hakuprosessi on yksinkertainen ja vaatii henkilö- ja passitiedot sekä muutamia turvallisuuteen ja terveyteen... read full review »
Filled under: Travel Location: Finland
TURKEY Official Government Immigration Visa Application Online FINLAND CITIZENS - Turkin viisumihakemusten
raubali18 July 5, 2023
Website: https://www.turkeyonline-visa.com/fi/visa/ Sähköinen viisumi Turkki (e Visa) on viisumia muistuttava virallinen matkustusasiakirja, jonka Turkin hallitus myöntää maahantuloa ja siellä matkustamista varten. Turkin ulkoministeriö käynnisti e-viisumin hakujärjestelmän vuonna 2013 korvaamaan vanhan tarra- ja leimaviisumin. Vaatimukset täyttävät matkustajat voivat hakea eVisaa verkossa. Turkin e-viisumin haltijalla on oikeus oleskella enintään 30 päivää yhteensä 90 päivän aikana haltijan kansalaisuudesta... read full review »
Filled under: Travel Location: Finland
USA Official Government Immigration
0 min ago
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USA Official Government Immigration
0 min ago
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USA Official Government Immigration
0 min ago
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TURKEY Official Government Immigration Visa Application Online FINLAND CITIZENS - Virallinen Turkin
raubali17 July 5, 2023
Website: https://www.turkey-visa-online.org/fi/visa/ Sähköisen online-viisumin avulla vaatimukset täyttävät matkustajat voivat helposti hankkia eVisa- tai viisuminsa matkustaakseen maassa matkailu-, liike- tai kauttakulkutarkoituksiin toiseen maahan. Turkin Visa Online -hakemus on hallituksen suosittelema tapa tulla Turkkiin. Se on elektroninen mekanismi, jonka avulla voit saapua Turkkiin nopeimmin ja helpoimmin. Sinun ei tarvitse vierailla Turkin suurlähetystössä tai Turkin konsulaatissa tai lähettää passia. Et... read full review »
Filled under: Travel Location: Finland
SAUDI Official Vietnam Government Immigration Visa Application Online FROM FINLAND - SAUDIN
raubali16 July 5, 2023
Website: https://www.saudi-visa.org/fi/visa/ Saudi-Arabia eVisa Data eVisa for the Realm of Saudi Arabia on sähköinen viisumi, jonka avulla noin 50 maan asukkaat voivat lähteä Saudi-Arabiaan etsimään motiiveja matkailualan takana. Se on nopein ja yksinkertaisin tapa saada lupa vierailla Saudi-Arabiassa. Täytä periaatteessa lyhyt Saudi-viisumihakemus verkossa ja hyväksy Saudi Arabia eVisa sähköpostitse. Saudi-Arabian hallitus esitteli Traveller eVisa for Saudi Arabia -sovelluksen vuonna 2019 työskennelläkseen... read full review »
Filled under: Travel Location: Finland
NEW ZEALAND Official Government Immigration Visa Application Online FROM FINLAND
raubali15 July 4, 2023
Website: https://www.new-zealand-visa.org/fi/visa/ Elektroninen matkustuslupa Uusi-Seelanti - NZETA Ei tarvitse odottaa tai olla konsulaatissa pitkissä jonoissa suurlähetystössä saadaksesi New Zealand eVisa -korttisi nyt. Evisa New Zealand on suunniteltu tekemään siitä nopeampaa ja yksinkertaisempaa täyttämällä lomake, antamalla maksu voimassa olevalla luottokortilla ja lopuksi muutaman tunnin kuluessa saat ETA New Zealandin. On tärkeää ottaa nämä seikat huomioon ennen kuin haet eta-viisumia Uusi-Seelanti... read full review »
Filled under: Travel Location: Finland
NEW ZEALAND Official Government Immigration Visa Application Online FINLAND CITIZENS
raubali14 July 4, 2023
Website: https://www.new-zealand-visa.co.nz/fi/visa/ Sähköisen online-viisumin avulla vaatimukset täyttävät matkustajat voivat helposti hankkia eVisa- tai viisuminsa matkustaakseen maassa matkailu-, liike- tai kauttakulkutarkoituksiin toiseen maahan. New Zealand Visa Online Application is the government recommended method of entry into New Zealand. It is an electronic mechanism which allows you to enter New Zealand in the quickest and easiest way. You do not need to visit New Zealand Embassy or New Zealand... read full review »
Filled under: Travel Location: Finland
INDIAN Official Government Immigration Visa Application Online FINLAND
raubali13 July 4, 2023
Website: https://www.india-visa-online.org/fi/visa/ Sähköisen online-viisumin avulla vaatimukset täyttävät matkustajat voivat helposti hankkia eVisa- tai viisuminsa matkustaakseen maassa matkailu-, liike- tai kauttakulkutarkoituksiin toiseen maahan. Intian Visa Online -hakemus on hallituksen suosittelema tapa saapua Intiaan. Se on elektroninen mekanismi, jonka avulla voit saapua Intiaan nopeimmin ja helpoimmin. Sinun ei tarvitse vierailla Intian suurlähetystössä tai Intian konsulaatissa tai lähettää passia. Et... read full review »
Filled under: Travel Location: Finland
INDIAN EVISA Official Government Immigration Visa Application Online FINLAND CITIZENS - Virallinen Intian Visa Online
raubali12 July 4, 2023
Website: https://www.indian-visa-online.com/fi/visa/ Sähköisen online-viisumin avulla vaatimukset täyttävät matkustajat voivat helposti hankkia eVisa- tai viisuminsa matkustaakseen maassa matkailu-, liike- tai kauttakulkutarkoituksiin toiseen maahan. Intian Visa Online -hakemus on hallituksen suosittelema tapa saapua Intiaan. Se on elektroninen mekanismi, jonka avulla voit saapua Intiaan nopeimmin ja helpoimmin. Sinun ei tarvitse vierailla Intian suurlähetystössä tai Intian konsulaatissa tai lähettää passia. Et... read full review »
Filled under: Travel Location: Finland
CANADA Official Government Immigration Visa Application Online
raubali11 July 4, 2023
Website: https://www.canada-visa-online.com/fi/visa/ eTA Canada on virallinen sähköinen matkustuslupa, jonka avulla tukikelpoisten maiden matkustajat voivat vierailla Kanadassa lyhytaikaista oleskelua varten. kanada turisti eta Kanadan hallitus käynnisti Kanadan eTA:n elokuussa 2015, ja se on pakollinen maahantulovaatimus Kanadaan matkustamiseen. Kanadan eTA määrittää kelpoisuuden henkilöille, jotka haluavat tulla maahan matkailu-, liike- tai kauttakulkutarkoituksiin. Ulkomaalaisilla vierailijoilla on oltava voimassa... read full review »
Filled under: Travel Location: Finland
CANADA Official Government Immigration Visa Application Online FINLAND
raubali10 July 4, 2023
Website: https://www.canada-visa-online.org Sähköisen online-viisumin avulla vaatimukset täyttävät matkustajat voivat helposti hankkia eVisa- tai viisuminsa matkustaakseen maassa matkailu-, liike- tai kauttakulkutarkoituksiin toiseen maahan. Kanadan Visa Online -hakemus on hallituksen suosittelema tapa saapua Kanadaan. Se on elektroninen mekanismi, jonka avulla voit saapua Kanadaan nopeimmin ja helpoimmin. Sinun ei tarvitse vierailla Kanadan suurlähetystössä tai Kanadan konsulaatissa tai lähettää passia. Et myöskään vaadi... read full review »
Filled under: Travel Location: Finland
heitech March 14, 2023
We are a team of thinkers, doers and innovators. Our mission is to empower millions of content creators and in-house teams to edit videos faster and better. We want to help them do what they love most: creating content to engage with audiences all over the world. read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: Finland
VIK-Rakennus Oy
0 min ago
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VIK-Rakennus Oy
0 min ago
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Stadin Mittakaluste
stadinmittakaluste July 22, 2022
Stadin Mittakaluste is a Finnish manufacturer of the best quality custom design kitchens and other furniture for homes and offices. Stadin Mittakaluste ensures that customers get first-class, high-quality materials when making the furniture and provides extensive guarantees. Business Email: [email protected] read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: Finland
MSBI training
msbitraining July 18, 2022
This MSBI training covers concepts from Basic level to advance level.  Whether you are individual or corporate client we can customize training course content as per your requirement.  And can arrange this MSBI training as per your pace. This MSBI training will cover all 3 MSBI tools which is mentioned below: SSIS – SQL Server Integration Services – Integration tool. SSAS – SQL Server Analytical Services -Analysis tool. SSRS – SQL Server Reporting Services – Reporting tool. The first tool is SSIS which is the ETL tool that helps to... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: Finland
GT Invest Ukraine
gtinvestukraine October 24, 2021
Operator of business processes in Ukraine, helping to start a business in Ukraine The GTInvest team aims for a long-term partnership. Therefore, the company's activities are based on the following principles: Trust: cooperation without corruption and speculative schemes; Transparent and clear business relations; Out of the box thinking; Synergy read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Finland
Online games
Artturi September 25, 2020
Suomalaiset ovat pelihullu kanssa ja pelaavat usein nettipelejä sekä kasinopelejä. Täältä löydät Top 5 suosituina pelejä: - Book of Dead, - Gonzo's Quest (pelin kattava arvostelu löytyy täältä https://www.slotozilla.com/fi/kolikkopelit/gonzo-quest) - Starburst - Book of Ra - Fire Joker Näitä kolikkopelejä voi pelata sekä oikealla rahalla, että ilmaiseksi eli leikkirahalla. Pelaaminen leikkirahalla onkin jännittävä, sillä ei tarvitse tallentaa omaa rahaa. Kokeile pelaamista ilmaiseksi! read full review »
Filled under: Entertainment Location: Finland
Kolikkopelit netissä - Online games
Artturi September 4, 2020
Esittelemme hyödyllisen sivuston suomalaisille https://www.slotozilla.com/fi/kolikkopelit. Täältä löydät ilmaisia kolikkopelejä, joita voit pelata leikkirahalla ilman talletusta. Tämän lisäksi luet pelaamisen vinkkeistä! read full review »
Filled under: Entertainment Location: Finland
FabricAI: Kirjanpidon tekoäly
laskujen009 March 13, 2020
FabricAI tekoälyn avulla ostolaskun käsittelyaika putoaa minuuteista muutamaan sekuntiin. read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: Finland
Health, Nutrition, Personal trainer, wellness
ruokatauko7 May 22, 2016
Ruokatauko offers nutrition and personal trainer services in Naantali Finland. We have over 10 years of experience in changing people lives. We are specialized in fat loss, conditioning, strenght training, nutrition guidance and digestive health issues. read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: Finland
Nokia / Nokia c7 mobile
vganesan June 1, 2011
Sir, 1. I have purchased a nokia c7 mobile phone (bill no 5144 &5146 dt 07/1/11 ) along with a bluetooth set bh108 mainly believing the nokia web page advertisement hosted on their company web page maps with free gps navigation with clear voice navigation. The web page claims that (maps with free gps navigation) " use the nokia bluetooth headset bh-217 for clear voice navigation as you walk". Please refer their web site url http:/Www.Nokia.Co.In/Find-products/Products/Nokia-c7-00/Features 2. The bluetooth set bh108 DID not function... read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: Finland
Payline Medical
0 min ago
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Icium.fi DANGER Ice sculptures Levi Finland SCAM AVOID FutuVision Ltd
John45464 January 31, 2011
Icium.fi DANGER Ice sculptures Levi Finland SCAM AVOID FutuVision Ltd Icium.fi DANGER Ice sculptures Levi Finland SCAM AVOID FutuVision Ltd Ice Sculpture Fell And Broke Man's Arm We just wanted to alert people to the DANGER at the Icium.fi Ice sculptures in Levi Finland. The sculptures are dangerous, and the ice is only connected together with water. Whilst we were in Levi Finland, one of the ice sculptures fell on somebody breaking their skull. Some of the sculptures are pretty high and can fall on you from a great... read full review »
Filled under: Travel Location: Finland
Destiny82 October 27, 2010
I paid over 66 dollars for iphone 4 (4.1) unlock for over 2 weeks ago, can you believe that this company haven't done anything. They don't respond to emails and they don't answer phone calls. I have no idea how to claim my money back and I'm damn confused. Is there any way they can stop them from operating because a lot of people have become a victim of this fraudulent company? Please, don't fall a victim because you will never hear anything from them. Do anybody know how to claim from dalpay or whatever they are called? read full review »
Filled under: Entertainment Location: Finland
Funmobile & DNA
Lion Finland October 20, 2010
1) Funmobile tricks you into believing you can download a free ringtone (which didn't work in my case). You give your mobile number in order to proceed and receive a confirmation message to which you respond. You are now linked to a contract that adds some 17 Euros per month to your mobile bill. Seems the company prefers to make more money off unsuspecting suckers than from satisfied clients. It doesn't look at whether you use their services or not and just suggests you should have read their contract details more... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Finland
Rengas Seppo
r0peman October 14, 2010
I asked for a tyre set change with my poor finnish skills. The guy told me no can't do. When i asked "milloin teille on aika" =when do u have time, he told me "ei aika" = no time. That guy is clearly a nationalist. Don't go there. read full review »
Filled under: Automotive Location: Finland
saasah September 1, 2010
Hello don't trust that www.zooba.info because they are cheating people i have got awarded one project over that website that client has escrowed the money for me sum of $4500 for the project i have done he released the amount on 16/08/2010 but till now i don't get the amount to my paypal acount so please don't trust zooba.info take car. Thanks SAASH read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: Finland
Usernames "Juhab" and "sop"
SSLegal August 6, 2010
August 6, 2010 To: Username “Juhab” Subject: Posting on Swiftsure Securities Please be advised that I am writing on behalf of the management of Swiftsure Securities Limited. It has come to our attention that you have posted, thereby publishing hearsays, false, potentially defamatory and slanderous statements on this website possibly disparaging the business operations of Swiftsure Securities Limited. The statements you have published here at, with an anonymous username bearing “Juhab”... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Finland
Applezzz123 October 6, 2009
This is a copy of an email Tara set to me. The is the third one and once again the date has changed. Read below: Julia, I hope this urgent and personal e-mail has reached you in time. Read it quickly. YOUR FUTURE DEPENDS ON IT! Julia, a few days ago I sent you some e-mails that contained CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR FUTURE. I sent you another important message very recently, and I still haven’t gotten an answer from you. My guess is that you simply didn’t receive them. Among other things, I said that YOUR... read full review »
Filled under: Society & Culture Location: Finland
L'oreal castings creme gloss
Kayla9999 July 23, 2009
I colored my hair with L'oreal's Castings Creme Glos hair color. The package says: "Lasts 6-8 weeks". I noticed that it doesn't come out of my hair. Then I called L'oreal's customer services and they confirmed it: It is a permanent hair dye. Now I have ugly hair and nasty looking roots and it takes about five years to grow my own hair color back. I think L'oreal has lied to me. And it just makes me sick how some people at message boards give good reviews to this cheating hair dye (I wonder who pays them to do so). read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: Finland
Witter Walwyn Overseas Ltd
DagNygren March 20, 2009
Sold shares in company named Qwikcap year 2001, giving false information to make sale. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Finland


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