"Consumer Reviews on Companies, Products and Services"

LOCATION: Lithuania

Dantistas Best
dantistas December 5, 2024
Website : https://dantistas.best/ Address : Pylimo g. 6, Vilnius, 01117 Vilniaus m. sav. Phone : +370 694 82 150 Your Smile, Our Priority: Experience premium dental care tailored to enhance your oral health and confidence. At Dantistas, your perfect smile is just a visit away. Expert Dentistry You Can Trust: Combining state-of-the-art technology with compassionate care, we offer the best in dental treatments for the whole family. Bright Smiles, Brighter Futures: From routine check-ups to advanced procedure... read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: Lithuania
Charging Shop
ChargingShop11 July 31, 2023
Electric vehicle charging stations, charging station for home and business, DC charging station. read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: Lithuania
sensoRiailibre1 April 16, 2023
1 pakuotė 10 POD Ominpod DASH. 1 POD gali būti dėvima iki 3 dienų. Po šių 3 dienų modulis yra išjungtas, todėl turite jo atsikratyti ir pradėti naują modulio seansą. OmniPod DASH yra naujausios insulino pompa kartos belaidis, bekamelis siurblys ir atsparus vandeniui! Omnipod DASH leidžia gyventi aktyvų gyvenimo būdą, sportuoti, plaukioti, keliauti kompensuojant diabetą. Paciento patogumui OmniPod DASH suteikia nepertraukiamą 3 dienų insulino skyrimą ir gali būti pritvirtinamas prie bet kurios tinkamos vietos, kur numatoma skirti... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: Lithuania
layboard June 13, 2022
Layboard.in - is an overseas job site. Typical job. a site with vacancies, of which there are a lot. This is not an agency, not an intermediary, but a job site where you can independently find either an agency or a direct employer. What's interesting: - More than 70,000 vacancies abroad - There is a resume database (you can register a resume and wait for a call back) - Convenient forum about working abroad - Large base of employers abroad read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: Lithuania
Statybinių atliekų išvežimas
atliekuisvezimasvilniuje March 3, 2022
Statybinės atliekos turi būti surenkamos, tvarkomos ir šalinamos pagal Lietuvoje galiojančius įstatymus ir Europos Sąjungos numatytas normatyvas. Statybinių šiukšlių išvežimas Vilniuje atliekamas mūsų specialistų – tai visada laiku ir efektyviai teikiamos paslaugos. Užtikriname sklandų ir visas taisykles atitinkantį statybinių atliekų tvarkymą, atsakingą rūšiavimą. Siekiame pasiūlyti kuo platesnį paslaugų spektrą, todėl galime pasirūpinti inertinėmis atliekomis, perdirbti ir pakartotinai naudoti tinkamomis atliekomis, antrinėmis žaliavomi... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: Lithuania
BDR Technologies
bdrtechnology October 11, 2021
BDR is a leader in the electronics distribution industry. We are proud to be one of the leading electronic component distributors of passive, electromechanical and interconnect products in the world. Our team and employees are extremely knowledgeable in the products we support. We have support teams in North America as well as Europe and Asia. J. Balčikonio g. 3 Vilnius 08200, Lithuania + 370 521 93199 https://bdrtechnology.com/ read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: Lithuania
amanitamu August 31, 2021
dried mushrooms shop read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: Lithuania
Beinitas April 22, 2020
https://beinitas.lt/stalai/7183-manikiuro-stalas-su-stalciais.html <a href="https://beinitas.lt/stalai/7183-manikiuro-stalas-su-stalciais.html">manikiuro stalas</a> Ieškote manikiuro stalas? Na, tu atėjai į tinkamą vietą. Beinitas pasiūlyti platų nagų stalai bet kokio biudžeto. Ar esate kelionės nagų technikas? Išbandykite mūsų Beinitas manikiūro stalas, svoris ne mažiau nei 15kilogramu ir nusilenkite iki maždaug vieno metro, šis stalas puikiai tinka tiems, kurie namų skambučiu... read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: Lithuania
dezinfekavimas.lt March 12, 2020
<a href="https://dezinfekavimas.lt/produktas/gcg-sterihand/">GSG sterihand</a> GSG sterihand idealiai tinka rankoms dezinfekuoti bet kokioje situacijoje ar vietoje, kur reikalingas greitas ir veiksmingas valymas be vandens. apsaugo ir drėkina odą ir suteikia malonų šviežumo ir švaros pojūtį GSG sterihand veikia antimikrobinį poveikį gramofonams ir raštingoms bakterijoms, įskaitant ligoninėje įgytas infekcijas, mikobakterijų tuberkuliozę (ištirtą dėl mikobakterijų tera), Candida roll grybus ir... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: Lithuania
Grovikai.lt February 18, 2020
Pasenusios statybos svetaineje neleidzia statyti nauja kotedza? Verta ismontuoti ji atlaisvinti naudinga erdve. Aukstos kokybes ir issamus rezultatas uz prieinama kaina suteiks specializuota imone. Mums paskambinus, per trumpa laika brigada ivykdys isipareigojimus, atsikratyti nereikalingos konstrukcijos. Specialistu komanda, irengta su priemonemis greitai isardyti pastata su jackhammers, vandens pleistai, deimantiniai drozejas ir kita iranga atliks: griovimo priemiescio, sodo, privaciu miesto namu betono, plytu ar medzio. Nugriovimo is stogo... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Lithuania
MS Craft - solid wood furniture, wooden doors.
mscraftfurniture June 24, 2017
MS Craft Company is in Lithuania, Panevėžys city based solid wood furniture company that guarantees excellence of natural wood products quality and service in any furniture crafting projects. MS Craft Company offers a 5 star solid wood furniture services to go along with any solid wood furniture, wooden doors, sliding wooden doors, natural wood doors, kitchen furniture, wine cellar furniture, double entrance doors crafting service. Whether you boat a new home and need a new solid wood exterior doors, internal doors, sliding wooden door... read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: Lithuania
Frisomat Lithuania
frisomatlt June 3, 2016
Kartu su Frisomat, Jūs pasirenkate patikimumą, produktyvumą, kainos-kokybės santykį ir patarimus. Mes asmeniškai padėsime Jums kiekviename projekto etape nuo paruošimo ir gamybos iki surinkimo. Jums nereikės papildomų kontaktų, kadangi esame vieninteliai projekto valdytojai. Frisomat tiekia aukščiausios kokybės plieno statinius. Mūsų šalto valcavimo plieno konstrucijų koncepcija suteikia daugybę pranašumų. Pastatai pasižymi ilgaamžiškumu bei žemais išlaikymo kaštais, tuo tarpu mes siūlome lankstų aptarnavimą prieš, per ir po... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Lithuania
Universalus Meistras
Martynas241 April 27, 2016
"Sveiki atvyke i Universalaus Meistro puslapi, Mes esame unikali bendrove, kuri yra susikoncentravusi i paprastus žmones bei Ju iškilusias problemas namu ukyje. Ar Jum reikia Elektriko Paslaugu, ar santechniko, ar bet ko kitko- mes esame žmones, pas kuriuos Jus turetumete kreiptis pirmiausiai! Turbut Jums kyla klausimas- kodel? Visu pirmiausia, del to, nes Universalus Meistras yra visi meistrai po vienu stogu. Kas Jums iš to? Pagalvokite... Kaip dažnai ateina meistras ir po to tenka kviesti kita, kadangi paaiškeja jog tai nera Jo... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: Lithuania
Universalus Meistras
Martynas241 April 22, 2016
"Sveiki atvyke i Universalaus Meistro puslapi, Mes esame unikali bendrove, kuri yra susikoncentravusi i paprastus žmones bei Ju iškilusias problemas namu ukyje. Ar Jum reikia Elektriko Paslaugu, ar santechniko, ar bet ko kitko- mes esame žmones, pas kuriuos Jus turetumete kreiptis pirmiausiai! Turbut Jums kyla klausimas- kodel? Visu pirmiausia, del to, nes Universalus Meistras yra visi meistrai po vienu stogu. Kas Jums iš to? Pagalvokite... Kaip dažnai ateina meistras ir po to tenka kviesti kita, kadangi paaiškeja jog tai nera Jo... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: Lithuania
Interneto Meistrai
InternetoMeistraivl November 24, 2015
Tinklalapiu, Puslapiu Kurimas, SEO paslaugos, SEO optimizacija,web dizaino paslaugos, Logo Kurimas, SEO, WEB, Tinklalapiu, Puslapiu kurimas, Logo Kurimas read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: Lithuania
Vonios restauravimas, voniu restauravimas, vonios remontas, voniu remontas, vonios restauracija
Brokas May 3, 2011
English: That man restored bath. After a sloppy job left wall, which is impossible to clean, and very visible dye bath effluent and sharp spots. After the work requested to report as soon as possible, since going on holiday. We agreed that if anything, will clean up after the holidays. Settlement. After that did not telephone for two weeks. Once the connection has stated that he did not renew mine bath and it is already tired of my bathtub. Edit refused to defect, although the work of a 5-year warranty. Lithuania: Minetas zmogu... read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: Lithuania
bristesh companey
syedafsar September 5, 2010
From: takeing the mame of rich country london i have all detail of thise pleaser get money back my money thet not gaven me my EMAIL ID [email protected] the our indian bank takeing indian reserve bank of india people makeing fool to me please stope thise retrun my money back charles roberts <[email protected]> | Add to Address book |This is spam To: <[email protected]> Subject: CONTACT THE RESEREVED BANK OF INDIA FOR THE TRANSFER OF YOUR... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: Lithuania
AMIII March 24, 2010
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: Lithuania
boardtc December 3, 2009
Recently I needed to edit a complex pdf form. t was urgent and I needed the document. I used www.freepdfconvert.com to convert the file. contrary to the name I had to pay $9 for a months membership. A number of pages were converted as images and not editable text. Very disappointed I emailed Batsoft.com support asking for a refund - they asked for the pdf to be sent to them. The subsequently responded: Your PDF has images(scanned document) and these images correctly was placed in your word document. This is not our service fault, your... read full review »
Filled under: Entertainment Location: Lithuania
I have no company unless cat and dog
Nothing June 14, 2009
There's no justice. I can't add safely mp3 before my death :(((((((((( I don't find mp3 hosting service that could not be removed mp3 from my payplay fm account karma (mp3) free that I added on my computer and wanted to keep safely on SOME server :(((((((((((( DO YOU KNOW WHERE TO GET NEMBUTAL LEGAL INSTEAD OF STRANGLING? IF I HAD A SHUTGUN I WOULD SHOOT UPON MY HEAD FOR ALL NONSENSE AND INJUSTICE (I CAN'T GET NEMBUTAL WHEN THE LIFE IS DESTROYED, CAN'T PUT FILES FOUND LEGAL FREE ON SERVER). YOU ARE ALL HAPPY... read full review »
Filled under: Entertainment Location: Lithuania
October 7, 2008
Hello! I got an e-mail from BRITISH INTERNATIONAL ANNUAL EMAIL LOTTERY PROMO, saying, that I won in that lottery. Can it be true or is it just spam or some cheeting? Where can Iget some information about it? I'm not a citizen of UK. Thank You! Sincerely Yours, Lukrecija read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: Lithuania


Summit Exteriors, LLC
Permanent Accent & Holiday Lighting
Man Van Removals
Diesel Engine Parts In Dandenong South, VIC
Wiemers Insurance Services
Golden State Builders
The Self Care Shop
HVAC Contractor, Heating Contractor
Oak Bay Pet Clinic