"Consumer Reviews on Companies, Products and Services"


nutrivit July 20, 2024
I was searching for a reliable source of information on personalized nutrition and came across Nutrivit.pw. From the first moments of using the site, I realized that I had found what I was looking for. The site offers a wealth of useful information on how to eat properly, considering individual body characteristics. I was particularly impressed with the option to take genetic tests and microbiome analysis, which allows for the most effective nutrition plan. The site’s interface is user-friendly and intuitive, making the process of finding... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: Ukraine
nutrivit July 20, 2024
I stumbled upon the Nutrivit.pw website by chance and was pleasantly surprised. This resource offers a unique approach to healthy eating, based on genetic tests and microbiome analysis. The information on the site is presented very clearly and understandably, and navigation through the pages is intuitive. What impressed me the most is that Nutrivit.pw offers an individualized approach to diet, which helps improve metabolism and overall well-being. The technologies used on the site are truly impressive, and I am confident that this is the... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: Ukraine
HydraulicLine July 16, 2024
Продаж і ремонт гідравлічного обладнання в Україні: гідравлічні мотори, гідравлічні насоси, гідравлічні циліндри, гідравлічні станції. Всі роботи проходять на виробничих потужностях компанії "Гідравлік Лайн". Продукція після ремонту проходить випробування на стенді. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Ukraine
Hansaflexuk71 July 16, 2024
Виробництво гідравліки високого тиску: металорукава, рукави високого тиску (РВТ), гідравлічні шланги, сталеві шланги з обплетенням для всіх видів промисловості. Німецька якість і українська ціна! read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Ukraine
viktorandk March 25, 2024
We produce bottled refined sunflower oil. www.viktorandk.com read full review »
Filled under: Miscellaneous Location: Ukraine
selfdefensesite February 25, 2024
Ласкаво просимо в наш інтернет-магазин https://selfdefense.com.ua засобів цивільного самозахисту та туризму, де ваша безпека є нашим пріоритетом. Ми пропонуємо високоякісні захисні засоби, такі як маски, респіратори та антисептики, для ефективного захисту у сучасних умовах. У нашому асортименті також широкий вибір туристичного спорядження - від наметів та спальних мішків до посуду та рюкзаків. Зручний інтерфейс сайту дозволяє швидко та легко зробити замовлення, а оперативна доставка забезпечить вам швидке отримання необхідних товарів... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Ukraine
selfdefensesite February 25, 2024
Ласкаво просимо в наш інтернет-магазин https://selfdefense.com.ua засобів цивільного самозахисту та туризму, де ваша безпека є нашим пріоритетом. Ми пропонуємо високоякісні захисні засоби, такі як маски, респіратори та антисептики, для ефективного захисту у сучасних умовах. У нашому асортименті також широкий вибір туристичного спорядження - від наметів та спальних мішків до посуду та рюкзаків. Зручний інтерфейс сайту дозволяє швидко та легко зробити замовлення, а оперативна доставка забезпечить вам швидке отримання необхідних товарів... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Ukraine
sdovhiubiu3 November 6, 2023
A gourmet haven isn't just a restaurant; it's a sanctuary where culinary dreams come true. The menu, a testament to creativity, offers a myriad of choices, each promising a unique adventure for the taste buds. The chefs, like magicians, transform ordinary ingredients into extraordinary dishes, weaving a tale of flavor and texture. Every bite is a revelation, an experience that goes beyond the senses and touches the soul. The ambiance, carefully curated for comfort, enhances the pleasure of dining, creating a cocoon of happiness. In... read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: Ukraine
sdovhiubiu3 November 5, 2023
Indulging in a scoop of delicious ice cream is akin to embarking on a culinary journey that transcends ordinary dessert experiences. The moment that velvety sweetness touches your tongue, a symphony of flavors unfolds, harmonizing with your senses and elevating your mood to unprecedented heights. The sheer delight of savoring a cone of rich chocolate or a swirl of fruity sorbet creates a euphoria that is unparalleled. Ice cream is not just a dessert; it's a mood enhancer, a delightful escape from the mundane, and a momentary retreat into sheer bliss. read full review »
Filled under: Entertainment Location: Ukraine
sdovhiubiu3 November 5, 2023
<a href=https://bambinablue.com/>Gelato NYC</a>, nestled amidst the bustling streets, is not just an ice cream parlor; it's a symphony of flavors. With each scoop, it crafts a melody of sweetness that resonates with every palate. The rich, velvety texture of their gelato dances on the taste buds, taking patrons on a culinary journey through Italy's gelato traditions. From the classic pistachio to inventive combinations like fig and honey, Gelato offerings are a testament to culinary artistry. The vibrant... read full review »
Filled under: Education Location: Ukraine
IT Recruitment and IT Staff augmentation agency
Web Recruiters October 4, 2023
Web Recruiters is an IT Recruitment and IT Staff augmentation agency with a wealth of experience in the HR field and technical expertise in IT Outsourcing and web development. Our team at Web Recruiters specializes in sourcing highly skilled IT specialists. We excel in filling demanding positions such as architects, team leads, DevOps professionals, cloud engineers (AWS, GCP, Azure, OVH), full-stack developers (Node.js, React.js, Angular.js), back-end developers, front-end developers, and more. We cater to companies across the USA and Europe... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: Ukraine
Kyiv Estate - Kiev Real Estate
kyivestateu December 3, 2022
Kyiv.Estate - real estate agency in Kiev that helps to find the best property in Kiev. All Properties of Kyiv at one place. If you need buy or rent office in Kiev, rent apartment in Kiev, rent house in Kiev we would be glad to assist you. Also we have all commercial properties availabe at the market (rent office in Kiev, detached buildings in kiev, factories, storages, etc). With us ua real estate becomes easy to find, because we constantly work on developing the service. You can count on high quality service in every situation, regardle... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Ukraine
sergejzarecnyj July 20, 2022
Odnorazki.in.ua - мы интернет по реализации одноразовых электронных сигарет. Предлагаем только качественную проверенную продукцию от известных мировых брендов. Осуществляем отправку товара по Украине. Для ознакомления с ассортиментом, переходите на наш сайт https://odnorazki.in.ua/ read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: Ukraine
MedCBD June 24, 2022
Компания MedCBD, занимается реализацией CBD продукции в Украине. Является мультибрендовой компанией, предлагает только качественную продукцию от проверенных мировых брендов. Находится в Киеве, осуществляет отправки своего товара по Украине. read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: Ukraine
thevinylcleaner March 15, 2022
Chisto is a leading vinyl record cleaning product manufacturer that offer cost-effective and easy to use record cleaning solutions for every music, audiophile and gear lover. Some of our top products are Easy Groove Concentrate, Easy Groove Enzycaster, Easy Groove Extreme MK. II, Easy Groove Spray&amp;Wipe, Easy Groove Super Set and Easy Groove Virgin Concentrate. For any further inquiry about ourproducts, get in touch with us on +380(98)3999000! read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: Ukraine
Devenup Health
Anne-MarieCrosby September 6, 2021
Devenup Health is a Ukraine based digital agency that provides digital strategy consulting, website and app development, marketing and video production services for healthcare brands. Using our own MRank marketing technique, we help healthcare startups and clinics reach new heights in the digital space. read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: Ukraine
GeneVer June 11, 2021
Certified hypnotherapist from the Eastern European Association of Hypnotherapists, member of the National Association of Psychosomatics Specialists, professional regressologist, Neurolinguistic Programming specialist True professional who can truly relieve fears, obsession, depression, stress, low self-esteem, relationship problems, limiting beliefs etc. https://www.gipnozverlen.com/ read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: Ukraine
Pingle Game Studio
PingleGameStudio May 28, 2021
We’re a global game development partner that empowers developers and publishers of all sizes. No matter the technical request, creative demand, or impending deadline, our team of technical and artistic experts are here to help. read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: Ukraine
petdevenup March 22, 2021
They implement the most challenging ideas to deliver quality results. They can help you reach more potential customers and get to the target audience, they use proven and up-to-date promotion methods, both classical SEO, contextual advertising, SMM, and Email marketing, viral videos, and advertising. read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: Ukraine
developbits June 19, 2020
We are a digital marketing agency, our main directions are the development strategy of digital and web site design and mobile applications. Our strategies will help the development of companies at any stage, both from scratch and at any stage of development. We are engaged in brand design and strategy, content creative and production, social media strategy and production, search engine optimization (SEO), app market research, beta testing and marketing, illustration and animation and also VR and AR marketing. Services Offer: we offer web and App design, content creation, social media platforms, Marketing stratagies, VR & AR marketing read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: Ukraine
Iurii Borysov Website Development and Online Marketing
IuriiBorysov2 August 19, 2016
I am Iurii Borysov nick named as Iurii. I belongs to Kiev Ukraine.I am a WordPress, Joomla, Megento PHP developer who knows how to built eye caches website . I am well known with all the techniques of basic on-site techniques to give your website content a better exposure on Internet. With 7 plus years experience of working as an Business development Manager and Website developer for various organisations in Ukraine make me a perfect mach for you. Now I had started to work as independent freelancer. read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: Ukraine
Frisomat Ukraine / ООО "ФРИЗОМАТ"
frisomat.ua June 2, 2016
Быстровозводимые здания и Ангары Frisomat. Вот уже более 30-ти лет компания Frisomat успешно работает на рынке БМЗ. За все время существования компании Frisomat нами реализованно более 20 000 проектов по всему миру и во всевозможных климатических условиях. С первого дня своего существования Frisomat применяет инновационные технологии и материалы в своем производстве. Этот процесс продолжается и по сегодняшний день. Исходным материалом для производства любой детали быстровозводимого здания Frisomat служит высококачественная сталь... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Ukraine
Notarius Odessa
BAleksandr651 April 16, 2016
Notary ascertain all terms of the transaction, potential pitfalls, install and certify competence and the reality of the intentions of all parties to the transaction. Those. It does a huge amount of work, which in the future will protect you from possible attacks on your property from unscrupulous partners and / or competitors from slander and deceit. Moreover, trust your notary is also on the ground that the error liability will be borne by it, not you. Of course, all this imposes certain requirements for specialists. read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: Ukraine
Notarius Odessa
BAleksandr651 April 16, 2016
{Yesli|Vsluchaye, yesli} u vas {namechayetsya|planiruyetsya} {sdelka|operatsiya} s { nedvizhimost'yu|nedvizhimymimushchestvom} iliyest' {zhelaniye|vozmozhnost'} {vzyat'|poluchit'} {kredit|den'gi} pod zalog {kvartiry|doma} ili {mashiny|avto|avtomobilya}, vam ne {oboytis'|spravit'sya} bez {pomoshchinotariusa|notariusa}. read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: Ukraine
Otsenkanedvizhimosti Odessa
ABabenkov651 April 16, 2016
Nezavisimayaekspertnayaotsenkanedvizhimosti v Odesseioblastidlyanalogooblozheniyaidrugikhtseley. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Ukraine
anal lick sex toy
anus July 13, 2011
i recently purchased a anal lick sex toy from amfsd a sex toy company i inserted it into my partners asshole and it shorted out and burn him in there will you fuck me !@$$%%^&!! read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: Ukraine
visa / asos
onyeka Iheanyi Chukwudi June 19, 2011
i made an order on asos.com, but found out that i made the wrong order and cancelled within 5 minutes, the cancelled status was confirmed, but up till now for almost two weeks, i can't get the refund of 35 usd which according to asos, would be given back to me within 10 days. so disappointing . read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: Ukraine
Hough, Heidingers, Yablonsky & Partners
Rennie090701 June 14, 2011
These Ukraine lawyers claim to help you if you have been scammed by someone from that country. Instead, they collect your funds, then afterwards, instead of doing anything? They bill you for even more money! STAY AWAY FROM THIS LAW FIRM IN UKRAINE read full review »
Filled under: Miscellaneous Location: Ukraine
Sfyrat May 17, 2011
Dear Sir/Madam, At the moment your Company is providing hosting service for the website: rossiyaukraina.com, which has been created on purpose of the incitement of ethnic hatred. The very idea of this site is punished by the following articles of the criminal law of both Ukraine and the Russian Federation: • Article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation – “Incitement of Ethnic Hatred or National Enmity and Equally Abasement of Human Dignity”; • Article 161 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine –... read full review »
Filled under: Society & Culture Location: Ukraine
alphabravo123 April 8, 2011
Hi everyone If you have arrive here through a google search good for you, I am posting this because I have just been scammed by this website www.fakepassport sale.cc. When you visit the website you will find diferrent samples of passports. It is a scam! do be decieved read full review »
Filled under: Miscellaneous Location: Ukraine
I'mintheirshoes.. April 4, 2011
This company obviously is not a reputable company as it likes to spam every post on this site. Most people filing legitimate complaints on this website have been taken by online scams and I imagine this company is right up there with the word spam and scam. Let's all send an email to [email protected] http://www.vipstores.net/company/?Contact-36.html read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: Ukraine
I'mintheirshoes.. April 4, 2011
It is obvious that this company is no good if they have to spam on this site. Send them an email Contact Supershops: Sales E-mail: [email protected] Sales Msn: [email protected] (amy) Latin America Official MSN: [email protected] Server Msn: [email protected] (Andy) read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: Ukraine
Olga Nosulko
Rennie0907 March 16, 2011
Olga Nosulko stole thousands of dollars from me also - I left the Ukraine the month the other person who reported her on this site, arrived to visit her - $10 000.00 USD She will arrange an apartment for you, then tell you it costs a certain amount per day. Later on you will discover it costs half the amount she was collecting from you - She scammed clothing, money for a Visa - She is all over the internet, and has scammed before. Since then she had fled the Ukraine to possibly Russia - she says Moscow - read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: Ukraine
Unsatisfiedcustomers February 8, 2011
forumlinkbuilding.com and forumlinkbuilding.net and linksmanagement are all the same people. Websearch forumlinkbuilding before purchasing anything. read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: Ukraine
D2 Investments or D2 Investments International, LLC
Maksym January 22, 2011
CRIMINAL ORGANIZAION IN UKRAINE – I have been hired by a private company representing banks to investigate this individual and his criminal enterprise. The individual with the email address [email protected] is conman based out of the Ukraine where his fraud takes place. He goes by Samuel Joel Nirushan aliases such as J. Samuel, Nirushan Samuel, Irosha T. Perera, and Nirushan Samuel. He is a 5’3 -5’4 dark skinned, Sri Lankian, male between 125 – 135 pounds. His picture can be found online. He also uses the... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Ukraine
туроператор "Стелла"
Manager_1 December 3, 2010
Мне довелось проработать в туроператоре «Ð¡Ñ‚елла», и я с уверенностью скажу, что это – худший опыт в моей жизни! Такого обмана и непорядочности как здесь, я не встречала нигде. 1. Отсутствие обещанного заработка. Мне было обещано, что в туроператоре «Ð¡Ñ‚елла», мне для начала будут платить... read full review »
Filled under: Travel Location: Ukraine
Malasia Customs AIRSEA LOGISTIC SERVICES LTD www.airsea-logistic.de.tl
lulechka November 7, 2010
Dear ladies, Please be careful of entertaining guys coming from United Kingdom who are members in Myspace. I had my sad experience with the same guy whose pictures you see below. In my case he called himself Martin Barry and used e-mail [email protected] and UK telephone number +447949186879 Initially, he send me a message to myspace account, sending good compliment on me, but he did not send a friend request. His first message had artificial quality about it, I googled its text and found it was a pre-made... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: Ukraine
mordem spy
teeeee05 October 29, 2010
mordern spy not work well, seller agree refund by email, but never refund..very difficult to contact the seller..I think this is scam company read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: Ukraine
ashley.fishburn October 16, 2010
I saw some interesting content on his website skinpeel4u.com and decided to implement it in my practice. The content is bogus. It cost me a lawsuit because the treatment was hazardous to her skin. Igor cost me over $25, 000 in damages to my patient. Beware of this content. It is not thoroughly researched, not backed by scientific evidence. It will be very damaging to your practice if you implement what is from his content. Beware. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: Ukraine
www.lerison.com - scam
guzmen September 27, 2010
Hello Leo cocksucker ! Are you ready for new diss? Yes i think ! Lets start ! Leo you must return the money you take ? Fucker! Leo is asshole, and his mouth is full of cum ! Yea Leo you are also dog fucker and your face is like shit ! And please close your mouth becos the cum small like dog shit. Motherfucker Leo from www.Lerison.com you play like you are businesman you are nothing more then scam dogfacker! YES LEO THETS ALL YOU ARE ! AND YOU KNOW TAHT YOU ARE ASSFACE! AND IVEN YOUR MOTHER IS BIG WHOR WHICH ALL CHINESE ARMY... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Ukraine


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